หน้าแรกIPG SOCIETYSCB Easy App “Troop”

SCB Easy App “Troop”








———— STRATEGY ————

To deliver “trust in change”, the strategy has four prongs;

1: Targeted Targets:  With laser-sharp targeting, Thais have been segmented into several groups depends upon their background, geolocation, type of payment transaction, barrier, and belief system. Sub-strategies have been developed based on each of the target segments in order to generate an effective approach, content, and execution which will lower down barriers, introduce new solutions, and create immediate action.

2: Targeted Trust: Targeting from the top down, different influencers and opinion leaders have been cherry picked to become ambassadors of this change. These influencers will demonstrate tailored benefits in the most tangible ways in order to replace and reintroduce a new “sense of money”. A total of 30 opinion leaders and influencers have been identified to become theฆะพฟะำเั ambassadors of the campaign and range from well-known mass level influencers down to micro influencers at the neighborhood level.

3: Targeted change: Targeting bottom up, facilitating receivers of the money such as small business, street food vendor, motorcycle taxi, down to the smallest product/ servicing purchasing in the natural local market to firmly demonstrate ease of transaction and clearly remove barrier.

4: Targeted the next: To expand the scope of change in each of the different target segments, the next natural move has been included within the strategy where the person who has already converted becomes the next influencer, expanding the coverage and this movement at scale.

Change in the natural behavior of the nation, brings about change in the natural definition of targeting.

———— EXECUTION ————

We deploy influencers into 57 sub-segments!
These include students, merchants, taxi, win-motorcycle, merits, travelers, families, native locals, farmers, local public transportations (สองแถว, รถกะป้อ), tuk-tuk, etc.

For example, Segment 1 – Students
The campaign started with universities in Bangkok. The influencers chosen were well known alumni and popular students. SCB understands both students and campus retailers are their customers. Canteens and campus convenience stores were fitted with SCB Easy QR codes and the communication showed how it functioned.

Segment 2 – Merchants
The next phase was the shopping areas Siam Square, Chatuchak Weekend Market, and Platinum Shopping Mall. The influencers were celebrities, local musicians, and comedians, respectively. Not only were QR codes for payment placed in shops but also for motorcycle taxis.

Segment 3 – Merit group
In Chiang Mai similar places were used as well as temples, where people could make donations via QR codes. Influencers were local celebrities and local press.




———— RESULT ————

The reach was 46.5 million and engagement 4.6 million, an impressive engagement rate of 10% came from influencer impact organically. The impression number was 3.3 million while the number of extended influencers was well over 30.

Beyond that, the campaign resulted in some fantastic download numbers. of 1.5 million total downloads, mainly organically (259,000 of which were from media only).


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